Low Back Pain

Exercises and Stretches

Stretching exercises help to restore joint range of motion by lengthening shortened muscles and connective tissues, which help to reduce pain and tightness.


  • Perform highlighted stretches initially 1 – 2 times/day.
  • Hold each stretch 30 – 60 seconds if tolerated for lengthening of muscles; repeat 2 – 3 times each.
  • Stretch to your pain-free end point, then breathe deeply through your belly and relax as you exhale. This will encourage maximal range in that stretch.
  • It is best to stretch with a warmed up body, about the temperature that causes a light sweat.
  • For pain reduction, it is best to stretch tight muscles at night just before going to bed.
  • If it is not tight… DON’T STRETCH IT!
  • When tight muscles are improved, you may decrease frequency to 2 – 3 times per week.

Hip Flexor Stretch

Kneel with weight on one knee and the opposite foot.

Tuck your hips under, squeeze buttocks, lean slightly forward and hold.

Avoid arching your back.

You should feel stretch to the front of the trunk or hip, not in your lower back.

MODIFICATION: Lay on back with buttocks at very edge of table and knees bent.

Stabilize lower back by hugging both knees to chest, and then drop one leg down toward bed and hold.

Trunk Rotation

Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor.

Slowly lower both bent knees to the floor.

Return to center, and then lower to the other side. Hold, or gently rock side to side.

Single Knee to Chest

Lie on your back, knees bent and feet flat on floor.

Bring one knee toward your chest pulling gently with your hands, hold, and alternate.

Sacro-iliac joint MODIFICATION: Extend one knee flat to the ground.

Gently push the knee at your chest into your hands and count to five.

Relax, and pull the knee up and slightly outward closer to your chest.

Repeat this cycle 3 – 5 times on each leg.

Double Knee to Chest

Lie on your back, knees bent and feet flat on floor.

Bring both knees toward your chest pulling gently with your hands and hold.

Piriformis Stretch

Lie on you back with knees bent and feet on the floor.

Cross right ankle onto left knee.

Grasp left thigh and bring your left knee toward your chest and hold.

Repeat on the other side.

MODIFICATION: May also be performed by pulling knee toward opposite shoulder or can be done in seated position.

Ilio-Tibial Band / Lateral Hip Stretch

Lie on you back with knees bent and feet on the floor.

Place left ankle over the outside of right knee and use left leg to push right leg toward the floor until a stretch is felt to the outside of the right hip.

Hold, and repeat on other leg.

TRIGGER POINT RELEASE: Using a Foam Roller, tennis ball, or trigger ball, give gentle direct pressure to tight muscles and knots.

Hold or gently massage areas 60 – 90 seconds each, once daily.

Hamstring Stretch

Lying on your back, bend your hip and grasp your thigh just above your knee.

Slowly straighten your knee with your foot in a relaxed position and hold.

If able, flex your ankle several times.

Modify by keeping other leg bent as needed.

MODIFICATION: May also be performed in standing or sitting with leg straight and elevated on a stool.

With upright posture, bend forward at hips until stretch is felt.

Prone on Elbows

Lie on your stomach with your weight on your elbows and forearms.

Keep your pelvis in contact with the floor.

Allow your low back and buttocks to relax.

Extend elbows and press up as able.

Hold, or gently repeat movement several repetitions.

Cat Back

On hands and knees, slowly round pelvis and hips up towards ceiling to arch back like a cat.

Drop pelvis and hips toward the floor.

Avoid rocking forward and backward on knees.

Hold each position, or gently repeat movement several repetitions.

Rock Back with a “V”

On hands and knees, sit back on you heels and tuck your hips under.

Stretch your arms straight in front of you until a stretch is felt in your mid to low back and hold.

QUADRATUS MODIFICATION: Shift weight diagonally over hip, and side bend to the opposite side, elongating the side of the back and hold.

Repeat to the other side.